Homebound Instruction Policy
Homebound Instruction provides students with some level of instructional services during a temporary period of absence so that when they return to school they will not fall behind in their class curriculum. Homebound Instruction is intended as a temporary accommodation to keep the student engaged in the school program. It is not intended, nor can it be construed, as a method of delivering the full curriculum.
This is a service the District may provide for a student during a temporary period of excused absence for up to three months. Homebound Instruction should be used as a last resort after all other options and /or alternative schedules (i.e. half days, work packets, etc.) have been exhausted, and is not a replacement or substitute for school attendance. All requests for Homebound Instruction are made through the student’s school nurse. Students will receive grades from Homebound Instruction by a designated homebound teacher. Grades should be submitted to the principal or assistant principal at the homebound student’s school.
Pregnant students are expected to abide by the School District of Philadelphia’s attendance policy. If a pregnant student is unable to attend school for a certified medical reason (i.e. requires continuous bed rest, at risk for premature delivery, etc.), the procedure to apply for Homebound Instruction must be followed, if the absences are to extend for more than four weeks. Once the pregnant student delivers she is not considered automatically eligible for Homebound Instruction.
How to Apply
To apply for Homebound Instruction, the student’s school Principal or Assistant Principal will refer all requests from parents/guardians, agencies or other responsible parties to the school nurse. The school nurse will provide the requestor with the Physician’s Referral form (SEC-137A), the Parent Agreement letter (MEH- 210) and will inform the parent/guardian of the Homebound Instruction approval process. A Homebound Coordinator will email the student’s principal and school nurse with the decision and, if approved, the number of hours allowed and end date of services. If the request is denied, the student must attend school, and will be marked as truant if he or she does not return to school. If the Homebound Instruction request is approved, and the student is in regular education, a CSAP team convenes to complete the “Education Plan for Homebound Instruction” (MEH-211), for the student. (See CSAP/IEP Team section).
The student’s school principal is responsible for selecting and assigning homebound teacher(s) to the student upon receipt of notification of approval of Homebound Instruction from the school nurse (Refer to the Teacher Identification section). The principal will also monitor the attendance, payroll procedures for the service.
What Does it Entail?
A Homebound Instruction schedule includes:
Two one-hour sessions weekly for K-8 students, and three one-hour sessions weekly for grades 9-12.
Graduating high school students carrying three or more major subjects may receive up to a total of five hours weekly.